Anders Olsson and Malin Eldh

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Anders Olsson and Malin Eldh

From March 3, 2024 to March 22, 2024

Conscious Breathing was founded in 2009 by Anders Olsson after living most of his life with a “hurricane of thoughts” bouncing back and forth in his head. Anders was lucky enough to come across tools that helped him relax and find his inner peace. 15 years later, he has inspired tens of thousands of people to better health and improve their quality of life just by doing something seemingly as simple as changing the way they move air in and out of their lungs. Anders has written a book about Conscious Breathing and gives lectures around the world.

Joining him is Malin, who has extensive experience in coaching, project management, value-driven leadership and business development. After struggling with very high blood pressure, Malin became a yoga instructor, which helped her calm down and feel better. After realising that breathing was the key to not only improving her health and lowering her blood pressure, but also maintaining inner peace, both in everyday life and in her work life, it became an important part of her life.

Together Anders and Malin are passionate about spreading knowledge about breath work and the positive effects that breathing has on work performance and personal development as well as life in general.


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