Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS) is an initiative resulting from a series of Keystone Dialogues between scientists and seafood companies. The SeaBOS initiative follows the hypothesis that a small minority of powerful actors can influence a majority of smaller actors.
The keystone actors are the CEOs representing the world’s largest fishing companies. The CEOs participating in the first dialogue produced a joint statement outlining their concern about the current and future state of the ocean, and identifying 10 commitments that they will address together – in order to actively contribute to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in particular Goal 14 – Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources.
The Soneva Dialogue was the first Keystone Dialogue. It was a Stockholm Resilience Centre event supported by Forum for the Future (FFTF) and the Soneva Foundation. The Walton Family Foundation, the David and Lucile Packard Foundation, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation provided funding for the event. HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden acted as Patron for the Soneva Dialogue, which was hosted by Sonu and Eva Shivdasani, at Soneva Fushi in the Maldives.
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