Hidden away by a stand of mangrove trees, this two-bedroom residence is a private haven with a swimming pool, expansive wooden decks, and a spacious children’s room.
Soneva JaniIsland Retreat
Hidden away by a stand of mangrove trees, this two-bedroom residence is a private haven with a swimming pool, expansive wooden decks, and a spacious children’s room.
This two-bedroom beachfront villa has a swimming pool and slide that hugs the façade, with two catamaran nets for lounging in the sun. The master bedroom, situated at the back of the villa has an outdoor bathroom with a bath and two showers encircled by a water feature. The open plan dining room and kitchen comes with a wine vault, which can be used as a library. The living room has a deep horseshoe-shaped daybed and guest toilet.
Upstairs, the guest bedroom has an en suite bathroom with a shower. Connected to the guest bedroom is a children’s room. Overlooking the lagoon is a large balcony with deep daybeds and an outdoor dining table.
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