Dr. Rick Fienberg

Soneva FushiSoneva JaniCelestialEducationAstronomer

Dr. Rick Fienberg

From December 10, 2021 to December 26, 2021

Dr. Rick Fienberg is an astronomer and science communicator who grew up in California and now lives in New Hampshire, where he observes and photographs the sky from his backyard observatory. He studied physics at Rice University and earned his doctorate in astronomy at Harvard University. He then spent 22 years at Sky & Telescope magazine, including 8 as Editor in Chief, followed by 12 years as Press Officer of the American Astronomical Society. The International Astronomical Union named asteroid 9983 Rickfienberg in his honor, and NASA awarded him its Exceptional Public Achievement Medal for his work promoting eye safety for the August 2017 U.S. solar eclipse. Rick has been a guide on astronomy-themed expeditions for more than three decades and has visited both the North and South Poles.

During his visit, Dr. Rick Fienberg will be hosting after-dinner stargazing sessions, along with talks about astronomy throughout the day. He will be at Soneva Fushi from December 10-18, 2021 and Soneva Jani from from December 18-26, 2021.


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